What Are You Hungry For?
What Are You Hungry For?
What Are You Hungry For? Anna-Katharina Preidl
Anna-Katharina Preidl (AK to her friends) is working to decipher the nanosphere world and predict how things will behave in our world. She is studying Materials Science and Engineering at a school in the Bay Area (that's code for Stanford.) She loves to bake and cook and eat good food. AK and Nancy met when AK was in high school and volunteered in the classes that Nancy was teaching at her children's school in a little village in Austria. Nancy and AK lose themselves in a discussion about "mehlspeise" -- sweet dishes that most people would consider dessert, but Austrians will eat for a meal. She also talks about "raman spectroscopy", which has nothing to do with the current ramen craze. And despite what she says in the podcast, her favorite -- essential -- gadget is her kitchen scale.