What Are You Hungry For?
Join us for sparkling conversations about food, of course, but also connections, curiosity, discovery and more. We talk about our favorite meals, gadgets we can't live without, the importance of farmers markets, how to set a proper table, and so much more. We are all hungry for those things - ideas - people - experiences - that fill our soul. What are YOU hungry for?
What Are You Hungry For?
What Are You Hungry for? Jennifer Watson
Apples to Zucchini Cooking School
Dr. Jennifer Watson has a PhD in Hospitality from MSU Denver. She and Nancy met when they were slicing onions at the Culinary Institute of America during the Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives conference and an instant kinship was forged! Dr. Jennifer spent a week in Santa Barbara, helping out with summer camp and sharing ideas about how to engage more people in cooking, eating and sharing time together. Her ideas about hospitality are simple -- we welcome people. But we need to be intentional about. Welcoming and hospitality don't just happen on their own. Enjoy this conversation and bring more hospitality to your days!