What Are You Hungry For?
Join us for sparkling conversations about food, of course, but also connections, curiosity, discovery and more. We talk about our favorite meals, gadgets we can't live without, the importance of farmers markets, how to set a proper table, and so much more. We are all hungry for those things - ideas - people - experiences - that fill our soul. What are YOU hungry for?
What Are You Hungry For?
Shakira Miracle - SB County Food Action Network
Apples to Zucchini Cooking School
Shakira is the Executive Director of the Santa Barbara County Food Action Network (www.sbcfan.org), which is devoted to building a more resilient food network for our community. In this moving conversation, we kept coming back to interconnectedness -- of people, groups, ideas and movements. Shakira states that "Community moves at the speed of trust." If we want to move fast and far, we need to take the time to build and cultivate trust.
I invite you to enjoy this conversation, and I hope it sparks further conversations within your communities.